WWBL Online Magazine
Fiction | Nonfiction | Poetry
We at WWBL pride ourselves on platforming voices too often overlooked by mainstream media and love to read the numerous and diverse perspectives that our writers so greaciously share with us. We accept literary work mainly but not exclusively in English, produced by women* who are mainly but not exclusively based in Berlin.
Editor-in-Chief Cecilia Gigliotti and Poetry Editor Aya Al-Telmissany collaborate closely with female and non-binary writers to publish poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction each week. WWBL recognises the need for women*-only spaces; being based in one of Europe’s most liberal capitals, we know not all women* in the world enjoy the same privileges.
WWBL believes in education, literature, sisterhood, and the power of the written word. To that end, we will always be an inclusive community, open to female and non-binary writers of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultures, and religious backgrounds. We are a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-cultural community, and we are proud of it.
This project was born of a need to nurture camaraderie among women* as an act of rebellion against the dynamics of patriarchy, racism, and a society that all too often emphasises what divides us rather than what unites us. Stories allow us to find connection and common ground. Hence, the purpose of our online space is to amplify the voices of all women*.

Do you want to see your work published in this space? We would be honoured to read it.
Feel like your story is not quite ready for publication? Check out our events page and find the workshop that best suits you. We can’t wait to meet you, learn together, and create more words that matter.