Grab A Seat At The Table: How to Market Yourself and Your Skills in 2018
By: Pasjion Daniels
This is for the stay-at-home-mama trying to sell her blog online, as well as the boss babe in corporate copywriting fighting for her spot. It’s not that we aren’t qualified, it’s that we aren’t always given a chance. I believe it's time to encourage women to climb their way to the top. It’s not always about being given a seat. It’s time to snatch our seats. I hope this blog inspires you as a woman to do what’s necessary to TAKE your spot and go after what you want.
Show up to go up
Although we’re living in a tech-savvy day and age, I’ve found that simply being present allows us to be noticed. We’re usually looking for ways to dodge face-to-face interacting, but simply putting your phone away and getting out in your community is the best way to market yourself. It’s easy to connect with the tap of a button but easier to put a face to a name. Community interactions allow you to build trust with possible connections. You never know who you’ll run into and organic networking can go a long way.
Look your best
Whether you’re going to the grocery store or to a business meeting, it's imperative to dress the part. Dressing the part, allows you to not only creatively express yourself and your personal brand but it forces others to take you seriously. This doesn't mean you have to dress formally but always dressing to fit your style and personality shows that no matter the time of day you're putting the work in to represent yourself as a boss, artist, etc. Your outfit speaks even before you open your mouth. Let it speak kindly of you.
Join LinkedIN
Whether you’re already using LinkedIn a little or not at all, believe me when I say… LinkedIN is always in. LinkedIN has not only given us a chance to upload our skills but we’re also able to express ourselves creatively through the imagery, status updates, and profile photos. First things first. Please make sure to have a professional or creatively professional headshot uploaded. Your image will be the first thing someone sees. A professional headshot forces someone to respect you, before even reading your qualifications. Second, don’t be afraid to connect with people you don’t know. That’s what it’s all about. Relationships form opportunities. With LinkedIN being the “Professional Facebook” there’s no greater place to connect.
Take the risk
How many times do we underestimate ourselves? How many times do we erase the article? How many times do we type an email only to delete it? If not now, then when? The biggest marketing tactic is CONFIDENCE. You were made for this. You were given your gifts. Don’t allow comparison or fear to hold you back from taking the risk. Put yourself out there. If it results in one new client or one new gallery space.. it was worth it. The only failure is not trying at all. Fear has held back so many women (and men) from accomplishing the things we were destined to achieve and we should no longer allow fear to keep us stagnant.
In a nutshell, marketing yourself and your skills in 2018 is simple. Everything we need to do is already within us. I encourage you as you pursue your lifelong dream, to believe in yourself, explore your local community, join LinkedIN and look your best version of yourself. With a little bit of confidence and a cell phone, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. Let’s get out there and kill it!
we should no longer allow fear to keep us stagnant
- Pasjion Daniels